Is this the Omega-Tav-Last sign that ichabod is written on the chief of the nations?
March 30th, 2024
On August 21, 2017, America experienced a total eclipse of the Sun, and the path of totality of darkness was from northwest to southeast. It was total darkness in the middle of the day. This event coincided with the Rosh Chodesh Elul of Hebrew Year 5777, ...
Antisemitism and antizionism are the Old Hatred
December 28th, 2023
Antisemitism and antizionism are the Old Hatred, and they are demonic, and must be completely condemned by all people of goodwill…..but what is the origin of anti-Semitism, and how has it metastasized over the years, according to Bible Prophecy?...
Prophetic help from the Lord God to Israel to defeat all her enemies. Pray fervently for Israel.
October 12th, 2023
Prophetic help from the Lord God to Israel to defeat all her enemies. Pray fervently for Israel....
The Devil’s Lies We Must Reject And God’s Truth We Must Embrace
July 13th, 2023
A .  As the world careens towards the great tribulation, we are warned by the Holy Spirit that:1.  False prophets will arise and deceive many and even attempt to deceive the elect, if it were possible. However, it is not possible to deceive the elect because the Seals are open by the end time prophet. (Matthew 24:24)B.  The devil is the father of all lies.1.  JOHN 8:44 Ye are of your father the de...
The transgender question and our innocent children – What does the Bible and the Message say about it? How should Pastors approach it?
May 4th, 2023
Click On Image 1. The world is going through a cultural revolution and this tsunami will surely impact God’s church on earth. It has, already. Most folks have their own views about this very difficult subject of transgendering children, and it is an emotionally charged subject, but what does the Bible say about it? Let’s check it out from a respectful, yet Biblical perspective.2. I have a few ques...