Samuel asiedu
Beloved in Christ, when I consider the modern events of our times, I am fully persuaded that the coming of the Lord is at hand. Therefore, I rejoice greatly because the Lord has saved my life, and I am determined to bring the same salvation to every soul the Lord will grant me.
The Lord Jesus continues to use my life and ministry to reach out to the lost, and to the sick and afflicted in many parts of the world. The mighty healing power of Jesus Christ continues to be felt and experienced in the revival meetings I hold. I believe we are in the midst of the fulfillment of Revelations 10:8-11, and the Bride is prophesying again to many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings. Time and space will not permit me to recount the incredible healings and deliverances the Lord has performed in our revival meetings in many parts of the world, such as the United States of America, Ecuador, Jamaica, Philippines, Singapore, United Kingdom, Ghana. All things are possible to them that believe in Jesus Christ (Mark 9:23). We also continue to experience great manifestations of the Holy Ghost in our regular services in Ottawa-Canada. Jesus Christ is truly the same yesterday and today and forever as stated in Hebrews 13:8. Indeed, we are witnessing the manifestation of the final awakening.
The Lord Jesus continues to use my life and ministry to reach out to the lost, and to the sick and afflicted in many parts of the world. The mighty healing power of Jesus Christ continues to be felt and experienced in the revival meetings I hold. I believe we are in the midst of the fulfillment of Revelations 10:8-11, and the Bride is prophesying again to many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings. Time and space will not permit me to recount the incredible healings and deliverances the Lord has performed in our revival meetings in many parts of the world, such as the United States of America, Ecuador, Jamaica, Philippines, Singapore, United Kingdom, Ghana. All things are possible to them that believe in Jesus Christ (Mark 9:23). We also continue to experience great manifestations of the Holy Ghost in our regular services in Ottawa-Canada. Jesus Christ is truly the same yesterday and today and forever as stated in Hebrews 13:8. Indeed, we are witnessing the manifestation of the final awakening.
I believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God. My daily prayer is that the Lord Jesus will continue to help me prove the same to my generation. I believe this is the hour of deliverance, and the power of Jesus Christ is present to heal and to deliver anyone who will dare to believe Him. We must have the Faith of God, in order to experience the miraculous and transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
I trust that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you today, with the divine blessings that only He can give. I am asking the Lord Jesus to open the windows of heaven and to pour out His blessing into your life, your family, and your finances.
I love you with the love of the Lord.
Pastor Samuel
I trust that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless you today, with the divine blessings that only He can give. I am asking the Lord Jesus to open the windows of heaven and to pour out His blessing into your life, your family, and your finances.
I love you with the love of the Lord.
Pastor Samuel
Welcome to the Harvest Mission Bible Church (“HMBC”) website and may the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you. It is our utmost prayer that you receive a double measure of the Holy Spirit’s saving and healing touch today as you view this website.
Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.